Internal and Supplier Auditing of Quality Management System
Internal and Supplier Auditing of Quality Management System in just 1 day!!
Instructor: Wali Alam & Michael Prior
This is very popular 1-day interactive course by QIA. We offer an in-depth understanding of the concepts of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and the principles and practices of performing and reporting on effective internal audits in accordance with ISO 19011. Our skilled and experienced instructors explain the standard of ISO 9001:2015 in detail and guide participants through the internal audit process/Supplier audit, which is required for creating and maintaining a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015.
The participants will learn auditing skills, audit processes and their interaction with other processes, practical role-playing, group workshops, case studies and open forum discussions. Get the skills and experience to undertake an internal audit in a ‘safe’ environment working around a fictitious company.
Module One:
- Over view of Quality
- 2Background of Quality Management System, Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015
- 3Review and Analysis of the contents of ISO 9001:2015
Module Two:
- The audit steps
- Audit Planning (Internal/ Supplier/ Customer)
- Preparation of audit, including documentation review and checklist
- Workshop: Documentation review, Audit Plan and Checklist of a fictitious company.
Module Three:
- How to do the actual audit (Conducting audit)
- Workshop: Role play audit of fictitious company.
Module Four:
- Audit report preparation
- Corrective Action (How to write corrective action request)
- Nonconformance reports
- Verification of acceptable corrective actions
- Workshop: Corrective action initiation and closure
Who Should Attend
- QA/QC Managers
- ISO Coordinators
- QMS Consultants
- Manufacturing Engineers
- Process Engineers
- Reliability Engineers
- Operations & Management Reps